During Amazon’s hardware event, the company showed off several Ring devices, including new monitoring gadgets for your car and mailbox. Oh, and a camera drone that flies around your home. Yes, really.
The big showstopper piece is obviously the camera drone. The Ring Always Home Cam is a tiny drone that lives in a hub in your home. When you leave, it will listen for noises, and if it hears something, it will go investigate. You’ll get a ping on your phone, and you can see whatever it sees.
Amazon says it’s perfect for checking “if the oven was left on, the doors are locked, or the curling iron was left on…” though intruders is another obvious advantage.
When you use it with Ring Alarm, the drone flies on preset paths you set if something trips a Ring sensor. It only records video during flights, and the camera is physically blocked when docked. It also makes noise while flying, so you can hear it coming.

But it’s not just your home Ring wants to help monitor. The company also announced a new car initiative. First, there’s Ring Car Alarm, a $59.99 OBD-II port device you plug into your car. It monitors for bumps and attempted break-ins and will send you alerts if it detects an issue. You can choose to set off a siren to scare away any thieves.

Ring Car Cam is, as the name suggests, a $199.99 camera for your car. Lik the Car Alarm, it monitors for bumps and break-ins and will send an alert, along with video. Naturally, it can work with Car Alarm. Both Ring Car Alarm and Car cam will release sometime in 2021.
Finally, Ring Car Connect isn’t something you directly buy, but a set of APIs manufacturers can use to build Ring into cars. Ring says it’s already compatible with Tesla models 3, X, S, and Y, and can use an existing car’s sensors and cameras for security.

And if you want to know as soon as the mail arrives, Ring Mailbox can help. It connects to Alexa-enabled devices to notify you when someone opens your mailbox. The Ring Mailbox will cost $29.99, and you can preorder it starting October 8th.
Source: Ring
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