Game of Thrones editors may not have caught a coffee cup, and editors missed a water bottle in a Downton Abbey promotion photo, but my favorite accidental addition to a show is the crew member who made their way into the most recent Mandalorian episode.
The crew member — we have to assume they’re a crew member, but The Verge has reached out to Disney for more information — appears at approximately 18:54 in The Mandalorian’s “Chapter 12” episode. Consider this your warning for light spoilers ahead.
The scene in question features Greef Karga (Carl Weathers), Cara Dune (Gina Carano), the Mandalorian (aka, Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal), and the blue criminal from the series’ very first episode taking on a batch of stormtroopers. They’re in the middle of a laser fight and, as the camera pans back to our heroes, we see a glimpse of the crew member standing tightly against the wall, trying desperately to not be in the shot. In the screenshots below, you can see them to the far left.
Now, this crew member, I love them dearly. We’ve all been this crew member. They’re just trying their best to help out with the shoot, to ensure that things go well. It’s a stressful process. There’s probably not a lot of space to film in, and the crew member is busy keeping an eye on whatever they need to keep an eye on. So, they accidentally ended up in the shot. They didn’t expect this to happen; they’re wearing jeans, a green T-shirt, and a silver watch — an outfit I would also wear, but not something you’d typically see in a Star Wars movie or TV show.
Not to mention that plastering their body to the wall while blasters are going off and people are dropping like flies plays well into the scene’s moment.
I love gaffes like these. They remind us that besides all the cool, science-fiction settings, beautiful actors, and dope action sequences, there are real people behind what we watch. It’s easy to forget in the moment, when we’re being transported to a different planet, to see some rebels dunk on Empire scum — but the crew members are always there, making sure to get it just right.
Naturally, this is Star Wars, so don’t be too surprised if some convoluted lore appears to explain who our favorite new crew member is and why they’re there. Willrow Hood appeared as an extra running with an ice cream machine in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, and now he has an entire backstory and even an action figure. Hopefully, one day soon, our own crew member will have an action figure, too.
I salute you, anonymous person who is getting a boatload of attention this Friday afternoon. I hope Disney and The Mandalorian editors choose to keep you in the scene.
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